Monday, May 9, 2011

May LP Group Playdate

We absolutely had a blast at playgroup this weekend!
Layla loved seeing all her friends, as did Mommy.
And, the best part is that Ivy has an awesome backyard that we got to play in!
Wish we could have stayed longer!

 Waving to her friends playing on the playground and playhouse.
She was stuck in the shade until Mommy applied sunscreen!

Showing everyone her new hat.
She kept pointing at it and saying "Hat" to anyone that would pay attention.

In Ivy's awesome sandbox with Ivy and Jaxson.
She thought it was a bit crowded, but once we shifted a bit, she was fine.
She LOVED the sand and this was a shock to Mommy, since she doesn't usually like new sensations.
She even tolerated and enjoyed the grass later in the day and Aunt Becky's! 

Trying to scoop sand into the bucket.  She couldn't understand why this one with holes in it wouldn't hold the sand. 

Happy kiddos 

Yes, Mommy... I'll pose for another pic 

Watching Nathan and Jack ride around in Ivy's new wagon.
Nathan's mommy got a good workout in! 
Layla really liked the wagon.

Mommy, I might have gotten sand in some not-so-good places...

Webster Family Visit

The Webster pack, minus the Will branch was up for Momi's burial last week.
The burial itself was beautiful in a very pretty spot in Arlington.
Most of the visit was just wild and crazy playtime for the cousins.

Climbing to get Dominic with Ganny's help and stopping for a water break on the way.

Happy Girls in their matching outfits from Ganny and Papa!

Layla and her Papa,
or as it was all week...
Papa and his shadow!
(she reached for him repeatedly)

Tired Abigail in her mommy's lap

Dominic and Evelyn wrestling on the couch

Abby and Layla eating lunch together

Layla in her favorite spot all week - Papa's arms!
She wore him out, just having had his shoulder replacement, but he couldn't refuse her requests...
He's been waiting a really long time for her to reach for him and not just mommy!

Ganfather with Evy and Dom.  He was lots of fun to play with!

Down in DC, visiting the monuments.
Layla got in a great nap and Dominic had a blast!

Abby cuddling on Ganny!

The bigger kids hitched rides with Sarah and Kris around Lincoln.

Dominic wasn't sure he wanted to hold on, so Auntie Sarah convinced him it was a good idea!

Layla playing Peek-a-Boo with Papa.

Maryland Day 2011

We convinced Dominic to behave earlier in the day by promising him that we would be visiting animals once we went to Maryland Day.
He liked Testudo, but still wanted real animals!

Family photo with Testudo


Finally a real animal...
We got to see pigs and sheep and cows too.
Dominic wanted to know where the hippos were! 
Petting a horse at Ag Day 

Happy Horse Boy 

Love this pic

Honoring Our Favorite Officers

At the UMD Spring Game on April 30th, 
we were able to join in a public thanks to our favorite police officers.
Down on the field, waiting for halftime to go out onto the 50 yard line.
Joe, Layla, Marleah, Dominic, Chris, Mark, Keith, & Sean.

Mommy and Layla, reaching for Testudo.

Our gorgeous girl

 The guys posing with their coins from the new Athletic Director.