Wednesday, January 19, 2011

And... Victory! The Steelers are going to the Championship game!

Some very happy Domergues!

Happy Coynes!
Aunt Emily is wearing her lucky Steelers jersey ; )
And Zack will have to squeeze into the jumper for one more game at least!

Victory Steelers cake for Uncle Brendan's birthday!

Layla's touchdown cheer!
Hooray! It worked!

Steelers vs Ravens... Part 2

We got took our licks and kept on cheering!
Dexter loves Domergue ears!

He even got in some Layla kisses... Great giggles!

Layla and Zacky got their groove on to cheer on the team!
(with a little help from the moms)

Steelers vs Ravens... Part 1

We were all decked out in our Steelers gear and watching from our lucky spots up at the Coynes' house... This year, we were joined by Zack (Layla's new boyfriend)...
So we had even more luck and cute fans!
Layla rubbed the Steelers bear...

Zack wasn't so sure we could pull it off in the first half...
The Ravens and Steelers play had us all worried!

Dominic even hid during some of the play, it was so ugly!
We had a Dominic in the box!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Off to a Huge Start

Well, we've had an eventful first week of 2011!

Dominic returned to daycare, with some protests, but is back in his routine again and shining in his class. His teacher, Miss Sabrina, claims he is the most polite child in the class (he better be, with how we pound it in him!). He is also amazing with puzzles, truly enjoys his arts and crafts (that's my boy!), and is trying to write letters now. Oh, and the "Bottle Fairy" visited us last night to take Dominic's milk bottles to other babies who need them and left him with some new Bobots and Army men and some money for his piggy bank. So far it's working... He asks for milk, we remind him that he needs to choose a cup because of the exchange, and he refuses to drink milk... It did make for a rough night, but we're sticking to it.

Layla "hit the ground running"... We had a full itinerary of doctor appointments and therapies with few spare moments. We had her usual 3 sessions of physical therapy and 2 sessions of occupational therapy. We also had her 1-year appointment with our pediatrician. Dr. Kim is very happy with all of her progress. She grew another amazing 1/2 inch (25 1/2 inches now), her noggin is tracking right where it should be, and her weight was actually a little down, but it's understandable with all she's been through... We then followed up with our wonderful neurologist that cared for her in the PICU. Dr. Carpenter said that seeing Layla in such great shape and having returned to much of her previous function was a wonderful start to her new year! We wrapped up the week, finally, with a visit to Hopkins to be reevaluated by her specialists that we see for her achondroplasia. They hadn't seen Layla since before her decompression surgery. Dr. Ain, the orthopedic surgeon, noted the same differences I did, but is not overly concerned. We'll keep working with her on her posture and tone and see him again in 6 months. We had a wonderful, long visit with Dr. Hoover-Fong and Miss Aiada, from the genetics clinic. We got rave reviews from them and comments that she looks the same as she did in early October, except for the addition of the new battle scars. Even with the surgery setbacks, Layla is well within the developmental windows and is still a ROCK STAR! We'll visit again in 6 months.

Layla has now finally been seen in follow-up visits by all of her docs and we have received glowing reviews from each. We are celebrating our little miracle and her beautiful fighting spirit!

We are finally relaxing this weekend. Dominic and I visited the playground in the snow, while Layla napped on her daddy and stayed toasty warm. Hot cocoa was had by all upon our return. And, Dominic is now down for a nap... I'll post pics later of the new bobots...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

So, Mommy has finally gotten her act together to create a family blog. We'll try to remind her to update it at least once a week for all our adoring fans.

We had an awesome Christmas together with family and LOTS of toys! Dominic now has a whole Bobot (Transformer) Army to enact battles in the living room. Layla got lots of fun noisy toys that they both love to play with... that might lose their batteries at some point in the near future. New Year's Eve was wild and fun with the Codis and Evanses. We enjoyed good food, bubbles, lots of laughs, video games, more toys, and the adults enjoyed some beverages and great friends.

We're looking forward to a great 2011 with no hospital stays (only visits), better health for all, visits with friends and family, happiness, and love!